However, after the initial purchase they don't really have any incentive to go back, look at your other products and buy more. Sure some people mailing list will come back, some will make repeat purchases and some will keep checking for updates. However, the majority of customers will not return. They will have completed the transaction then your relationship with them is finished.
However, if you get that customer on your mailing list you have much more chance of them coming back and making a repeat purchase. Therefore, if you are not building a mailing list your are not maximising the value you can get from mailing list each customer. Below I have outlined a number of reasons why you should be building your email list: 1) REPEAT TRAFFIC:- Instead of customers visiting your eBay store just once you can now get them coming back again and again.
If you've updated a product, re-designed your eBay store, created some new products etc then you can send an email out to your list and have your customers revisit your eBay store. 2) REPEAT CUSTOM:- Your customers have bought from mailing list you once. There's no reason they will not buy from you again. If you've got a new product then coming out then you can send an email out to your list notifying your customers. In this email you can send your customers directly to the auction.