3. Offer tips and advice. Years of writing my articles have taught me that the best way to make your readers happy is to give them useful information. So, instead of talking about the history of your chosen topic, direct these people and empower them to do things on their own by giving them tips list or how-to types of articles.
4. Keep your articles short. You don't want to bore your readers and you don't want to give them too much information. Remember, your goal here is to send them Asia Email List to your website and that will not happen if you offered them everything that they're looking for. My suggestion is to give them just enough info to prove your expertise and leave them wanting for more. It's best if you ensure that your articles are just 400-600 words and if you just discuss just 3-5 major ideas.
5. Make your resource box attractive. Put your best foot forward when writing your resource box. Get as many people as possible to click on it by making sure that it's well-written and very persuasive. Don't forget to offer freebies as these can surely bring huge difference to your clickthrough rate.Not really happy with the amount of traffic that you're getting from your article marketing campaign? Then, allow me to help you make it more powerful and a bit more aggressive. Here's what you need to do: