This means that sanctions will be imposed against Russia, that the effects will be felt by Moscow... and also by the European Union. Both sides, the people there and here, will suffer. The worst part in an extension of the war will be borne, above all, by the Whatsapp Mobile Number List Ukrainians. This also results in the "terrible obligation" to do everything possible to prevent a further escalation of the war and to resolve the conflict peacefully, as German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has emphasized on several occasions. However, diplomacy is not the only instrument, harsh sanctions are also part of this strategy. And the understanding that deterrence continues to play a role in uncertain times.
Not since the end of the Cold War has Europe been so close to war. At the same time, European states have not discussed the continent's security so intensively since then. Unfortunately, for this reaction to exist, it was necessary to wait for a very Whatsapp Mobile Number List dangerous escalation on the Russian side. And obviously it was too late, Whatsapp Mobile Number List it is the weapons that speak. And yet, however difficult it may seem and however little success it has had so far, European security in the 21st century can only be a joint undertaking. And this, understanding that the current conflict, the confrontation, is not the second season of the Cold War, but something new for which we do not have a prefigured answer.
A few days ago, in an article in The Nation magazine , the analyst Anatol Lieven stated that "the real Putin is certainly ruthless, cynical and cold-blooded, but also very cautious and reasonable", establishing a contrast between this perception and the image Whatsapp Mobile Number List diffused in a part of the Western world: that of a «ruthless and aggressive Putin to the point of madness». Do you think that Putin's positions and attitudes have been magnified or minimized? How much do the characteristics of the Russian president weigh in the resolution or escalation of the conflict?