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Volodymyr Zelensky said during a NATO meeting earlier that Ukraine needs more modern weapons in order to "break the dominance of Russian howitzers". He warned that if Ukraine does not get the weapons it needs to defeat Russia, NATO leaders will soon have to face a conflict with Russia themselves. Since the outbreak of the war, more than 30 countries have provided Ukraine with various weapons, but some heavy weapons have not been delivered in time, and in some areas, the firepower of the Ukrainian army is far less than that of the Russian army.
Which countries provide Ukraine with the most weapons? Which countries provide Ukraine with the most weapons Photo Credit: BBC News In monetary terms alone, the United States has given Ukraine the most military aid so far, with the United Kingdom and Poland ranking second and third respectively. If only the military aid that has actually been paid is counted, the United States says the White House has provided Ukraine with aid worth about $6.3 billion since President Biden took office in January last year. The U.K. says the London authorities have provided aid worth about $1.6 billion since the war began, with another $1.2 billion on the way. But Zelensky noted that Ukraine spends about $5 billion a month on defense, so more aid is needed. range Photo Credit: BBC News Military experts pointed out that in order to win on the battlefield, in addition to a series of weapons, other support such as training and maintenance parts are also needed. US Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mark Milley